The questions
Why don’t I get antibiotics for my flu?
May I also have an antibiotics prescription for my husband?
Can I accelerate my child’s recovery with the help of antibiotics?
Are antibiotics still useful if some of them are becoming less effective?
May I be treated even if the infection is caused by resistant bacteria?
I had a rash during a course of antibiotics, may I never use antibiotics again?
Is it true that bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics?
I have been told not to take antibiotics too often, why?
What do I do with the antibiotics left in my medicine cabinet at home?
Is it serious if I don’t finish my treatment?
Can I use the antibiotics I have left from another time?
Is it true that traces of antibiotics can be found in rivers?
I have a wound or skin infection, is it a good idea to use an antibiotic ointment?
I have the same symptoms as last time, can you advance me a box of antibiotics?
I have been told not to take antibiotics too often, why?
How can we use less antibiotics?
Can antibiotics prevent me from getting sick?
My cat has a cold, can antibiotics help?
Is my budgie also affected by antibiotic resistance?
If my dog is treated with antibiotics, are there any additional hygiene measures that need to be taken?
Can I go straight to the pharmacy and get antibiotics for my cat?
My cat has the same symptoms as last year, may I use the remaining antibiotics?
My dog has diarrhoea, should I give him/her antibiotics?
Could antibiotics used in animals lead to resistance in bacteria infectious to humans?
I have a tick bite. Should I take a course of antibiotics now?
I have toothache and I think I have an abscess. Is it best to take antibiotics?
I've got a bit of a cough. Can I still visit my grandmother in the retirement home?
My foal has diarrhoea, should we give it antibiotics?
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